Dr Luba Volkova

Dr Luba Volkova

Luba is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne with a joint appointment at CSIRO. Her current work focuses on the impact of fires, forest management and land use change on forest carbon cycling and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Over the years Luba has been involved in the revision of the National GHG inventory reporting and currently in the revision of the Indonesian peat fire emission reporting to the United Nations. Luba was a part of the team to develop the smoke and emissions transportation modelling framework for Victoria, supported by the CRC. Luba is a nominated expert for the UNFCCC with an expertise in greenhouse gas emissions and inventory.

Project leadership

This project was completed with the support of the CRC's funding for quick response. It assessed habitat structure and conducted biodiversity surveys (plants and birds) in the field following the wildfires in the first spring season after wildfires.
Research team:

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