Key topics

fire impacts

Fire impacts refers to the physical, biological and ecological impact of fire on the environment.

Date Item Typesort ascending Key Topics
Understanding post-fire fuel dynamics using burnt permanent forest plots Biblio PDF icon save (2.54 MB) environments, fire impacts, fire severity
Disaster landscape attribution: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (1.55 MB) fire impacts, remote sensing
Influence of climate change and fuel management on bushfire risk in Western Australia Biblio PDF icon save (2.92 MB) climate change, fire impacts, land management
The potential for coastal dune de-stabilisation following 2015/16 wildfires near Esperance, WA Biblio PDF icon save (1.24 MB) coastal, fire, fire impacts
Improving Fire Behaviour Data Obtained from Wildfires Biblio emergency management, fire impacts, fire severity
Simulations of radiation heat flux on a structure from a fire in an idealised shrubland Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) engineering, fire, fire impacts
Understanding Post-Fire Fuel Dynamics using Burnt Permanent Forest Plots Report Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) fire, fire impacts, land management
Mapping bushfire hazard and impacts: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (2.6 MB) fire impacts, land management, modelling
What are the drivers of dangerous fires in Mediterranean France? Biblio fire, fire impacts, fire weather
January 2020 NSW bushfires study Biblio PDF icon save (579.61 KB) fire, fire impacts, response
Active fire detection using the Himawari-8 satellite - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (1.58 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Implementing CRC research: development of a tool for assessing post-fire hydrologic risk Biblio PDF icon save (3.66 MB) fire impacts, hydrology, modelling
Exploring the key drivers of forest flammability in wet eucalypt forests using expert-derived conceptual models Biblio PDF icon save (1.48 MB) fire, fire impacts, land management
The bushfire convective plume experiment: mobile radar observations of pyro-convection from the Mt Bolton fire, 2016 Biblio PDF icon save (199.8 KB) fire impacts, fire weather, modelling
What are the safety implications of dynamic fire behaviours? Biblio emergency management, fire, fire impacts
Community preparedness and responses to the 2017 NSW bushfires Biblio PDF icon save (561.7 KB) communities, fire, fire impacts
Mapping Bushfire Hazard and Impacts Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.82 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
From hectares to tailor-made solutions for risk mitigation: annual project report 2018-19 Biblio PDF icon save (834.62 KB) fire, fire impacts, prescribed burning
A Broad-Area Method for the Diurnal Characterisation of Upwelling Medium Wave Infrared Radiation Biblio PDF icon save (3.37 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Challenges for prescribed fire management in Australia’s fire-prone rangelands – the example of the Northern Territory Biblio fire impacts, land management, savanna grasslands
Determining the minimum sampling frequency for ground measurements of burn severity Biblio fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Natural hazards in Australia: extreme bushfire Biblio fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
How do wet forests burn? : Fuels and fire danger in the world’s tallest flowering forest Biblio fire, fire impacts, land management
Disasters and economic resilience: the effects of the Black Saturday bushfires on individual income Biblio PDF icon save (2.71 MB) economics, fire impacts, resilience
Capturing community experiences in the 2015 Sampson Flat fire Biblio PDF icon save (2.4 MB) communication, communities, fire impacts
Post-fire impact assessment of Tasmanian sphagnum bogs Biblio PDF icon save (2.28 MB) environments, fire impacts, remote sensing
Enhanced estimation of background temperature for fire detection using new geostationary sensors Biblio PDF icon save (538.96 KB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Quantifying fuel hazard assessments - Fuels3D annual report 2019-2020 Biblio PDF icon save (663.64 KB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Investigation of spotting and intrinsic fire dynamics using a coupled atmosphere-fire modelling framework Biblio PDF icon save (10.92 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling: ACCESS-Fire – annual report 2019-2020 Biblio PDF icon save (2.21 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Wind speed reduction induced by post-fire vegetation regrowth Biblio PDF icon save (1.36 MB) fire impacts, modelling, physics
Fuels3D: barking up the wrong tree and beyond Biblio PDF icon save (1.08 MB) fire impacts, multi-hazard, risk management
Modulating influence of drought on the synergy between heatwaves and dead fine fuel moisture content of bushfire fuels in the Southeast Australian region Biblio PDF icon save (7.7 MB) climate change, fire impacts, physics
Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experimentation, modelling and simulation - Annual project report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.03 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Investigating bird responses to fire in the Heathy Dry Forests of Victoria, Australia Biblio PDF icon save (8.52 MB) animals, fire, fire impacts
Wind speed Reduction Factors (WRFs): utilities for WRF assessment and communication - Black Summer final report Biblio PDF icon save (2.01 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Modelling of radiant heat flux and rate of spread of wildfire within the urban environment Biblio PDF icon save (5.16 MB) fire, fire impacts, propagation
Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (3.32 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Risk of post-fire metal mobilization into surface water resources: A review Biblio fire impacts, land management
Fire spread prediction across fuel types: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1.6 MB) fire impacts, modelling, scenario analysis

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