Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Date Item Typesort ascending Key Topics
Effective communication of household wildfire risk through WebGIS: considerations in content, representation and design Project communication, communities, fire
Fire surveillance and hazard mapping Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain with applications in bushfire modelling Project fire, fire severity, fire weather
Sprinkler systems for the protection of buildings from wildfire Project fire, infrastructure, resilience
Investigating bird responses to fire in the Heathy Dry Forests of Victoria, Australia Project fire, fire impacts
A strategic analysis of preventable residential fire fatalities Project fire, risk analysis, vulnerability
Plume and air quality modelling Project fire, fire impacts, fire weather
Through the flames - quantitative analysis of strategic and tactical wildfire suppression Project fire, fire impacts, response
Smoke transportation and emissions modelling Project fire, modelling
Improving land dryness measures and forecasts Project fire, flood, remote sensing
Spatially forecasting coupled litter and root moisture dynamics for bushfire management Project fire, fire impacts, modelling
An evaluation of Youth Justice Conferencing for youth misuse of fire Project child-centred, fire
Scientific advice for the development of a suppression effectiveness model to support strategic bushfire risk planning Project decision making, fire, governance
Established and emerging uses of predictive services Project emergency management, fire, firefighter
The utility of point clouds to estimate fuel hazards Project fire, fire impacts, risk analysis
Predicting fire danger ratings from physical measures of fire behaviour Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Informing Queensland's bushfire review 2018 Project communication, fire, fire impacts
Assessment framework for the evaluation of wildfire risk reduction strategies Project economics, fire
Investigating the effect of soil moisture, temperature and precipitation extremes on fire risk and intensity in Australia Project fire
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for 3D bushfire mapping Project fire, modelling, risk analysis
Fire transitions across urban boundaries Project fire
Assessment and calibration of fuel moisture sensors Project fire, prescribed burning
Wind speed Reduction Factors (WRF): utilities for WRF assessment and communication Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
The role of urban planning in urban fire mitigation Project fire, mitigation, planning
Effectiveness of resources to supress bushfire: aerial and ground based Project capability, fire, fire severity
Refinement and validation of the pyrolysis and firebrand transport sub-models for a physics based bushfire prediction model Project fire, modelling
Mapping the area of Tathra to study, if Mechanical Fuel Load Reduction (MFLR) along with prescribed burning can save houses (in future) at Tathra NSW Project fire, fuel reduction, prescribed burning
Locating gendered knowledge and practices in Aboriginal fire ecology Project fire, fire impacts, indigenous communities
Planning for Bushfires on the Rural-Urban Interface: An analysis of the correlations between house setbacks and house loss as evidence of house-to-house fire spread in the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Project engineering, fire, planning
Simulated self-paced wildfire suppression work in different thermal conditions Project decision making, exposure, fire
Physical and fire behaviour characterisation of bushland fuels Project fire, modelling, propagation
Development of an interface using penalisation method for improving computational performance of bushfire simulation tools Project fire, modelling, physics
Effects of prenatal bushfire stress on life history traits in humans Project fire
Bushfire climatology in Victoria Project fire, fire weather
Social values in bushfire management decision making Project decision making, economics, fire
Parenting after a disaster - experiences since Black Saturday Project child-centred, fire, recovery
Threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour Project fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Identifying water sources using satellite imagery Project fire, fire weather, remote sensing
Parameterisation for a simplified short-range firebrand model from physics-based modelling Project fire, modelling
How does remotely sensed degree of curing and fuel load vary in grasslands and effect modelled fire spread? Project fire, remote sensing

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